Trypan Blue Solution 0.06% w/v
Product Description:
Auroblue is a vital dye, used in matured cataract surgery, which stains the anterior capsule and fibrous tissue that enables the surgeon to visualize the capsule clearly. AUROBLUE is a sterile preparation of Trypan Blue 0.06% w/v in buffered solution.
Product features:
- A capsule stainer to aid easy capsulorhexis in cataract surgery.
- Excellent visualization of capsule in eyes with matured cataract / narrow pupils.
- Clear visualization of outline of the capsule rim during surgery.
- Reduces risk of incomplete capsulorhexis.
Indications :
Used as a capsule staining agent in cataract surgery.
Auroblue is contraindicated when a non hydrated (Dry state) hydrophilic acrylic Intraocular lens (IOL) is planned to implant into eye, because the dye may be absorbed by the IOL and get stained.
Available in sterile 1ml vial with pouch in pack of five.